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我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加“2009年亚太地区肿瘤生物学和医学学术会议”。会议由中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会主办, 第四军医大学和美国M.D.Anderson癌症中心承办。大会将于20091024-27日在陕西省西安市召开。





It’s our great honor to extend warm welcome to all participants from the world to 2009 Asia-Pacific Conference of Tumor Biology and Medicine held in Xi’an, China, on October 24th-27th, 2009, which is sponsored by Committee of Tumor Marker, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and hosted by The Fourth Military Medical University and M.D.Anderson Cancer Center, USA.

The theme of the conference is “Bridging Tumor Basic and Clinical Research”. Invited speakers including Nobel Prize Winner, many outstanding scientists with international reputation from USA, Europe and China in research field of molecular oncology, tumor biology and clinical oncology will present very informative lectures on current progress of tumor research. Besides, we will also invite young clinical experts who work in tumor prevention, diagnosis and therapy to report their works.

The 21st century is golden times for the medical science. Many scientists have made exciting achievements on tumor biology and clinical oncology. Along with the extensive research of human genomics, many medical mysteries have already been solved. But at the same time, we will face more new problems. This Conference will provide excellent opportunities for medical scientists, doctors, governors, and enterprisers to exchange views and strengthen collaboration.

Xi’an, one of the most attractive historical cities, is located at the very center of China and surrounded by eight rivers. Strolling in street of city, one will get the feeling of walking through a big historical museum, in which one can witness the Eighth Wonder in the world “terra-cotta warriors and horses”, the city wall of Ming dynasty, the Big and Small Wild Goose Pagodas of Tang dynasty. We believe that our kind receptions will make you comfortable and enjoyable and this trip will bring you colorful and unforgettable memories about beautiful Xi’an.

Looking forward to meeting you in Xi’an on October 24th to 27th , 2009.

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