
辣根过氧化物酶共轭稳定剂(HRP Conjugate Stabilizer)

产品价格: ¥2754.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2020-03-31 11:20:42


Innova Biosciences
货号: 901-0005
抗体英文名: LifeXtend HRP Conjugate Stabilizer
保存条件: -20度保存
形态: 液体
规格: 50ml
辣根过氧化物酶共轭稳定剂(HRP Conjugate Stabilizer)
Innova Biosciences 公司专注于生物偶联技术(bioconjugation) – 即将两种分子结合在一起形成一个杂合结合物(hybrid conjugate)。这些标记结合物在世界各地的医院及科研机构被广泛使用。Innova 公司开发生产的“一步法”抗体标记试剂盒-Lightning-Link™系列产品极大程度的简化了结合标记流程。同时,Innova 也提供独有的结合物标记优化服务,开发更灵敏的免疫诊断检测。此外,Innova也向药物研发实验室提供一些相关产品。Innova 公司以提供突破性的技术和服务,极大的推动生命科学研究、简化试验流程作为企业的使命。这也必将使Innova 公司成为成为全球生命科学和生物技术行业的领导企业。

The performance of HRP conjugates diminishes over time. There are a number of factors that contribute to loss of performance including:

  • Inactivation of HRP.
  • Instability of the bond which links HRP to the antibody.
  • Microbial attack.
  • Denaturation of the antibody.
  • Loss of performance accelerates with increasing temperature and with increasing dilution of the conjugates.

For these reasons HRP conjugates are often kept in a concentrated form at 4oC.

LifeXtendTM conjugate stabilizer/diluent is a proprietary multi-component reagent system that protects antibody-HRP conjugates from all of the negative factors noted above, thus ensuring the best possible performance in experiments performed at room temperature. Moreover, the ability to store HRP conjugates at working dilutions eliminates waste and improves consistency from experiment to experiment.

In addition to its proprietary enzyme stabilizers, LifeXtendTM contains antimicrobial agents as well as blockers to enhance signal to background in immunoassay applications.

Comparison of LifeXtend™ with other well-known brands of stabilizer

HRP conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1mg/ml) was diluted 1/10,000 in each of four stabilizers and incubated for 12 days at 37oC. An undiluted control sample was incubated at 4oC for the same period and diluted 1/10,000 prior to ELISA testing. Conjugates were incubated on a rabbit IgG-coated plate for 1 hour at room temperature, followed by washing and determination of HRP activity using ABTS substrate.

lifextend performance comparison

As can be seen above, even some of the best known stabilizers perform either poorly or only modestly in standard accelerated stability trials at 37oC. LifeXtendTM HRP stabilizer/diluent affords the greatest protection and can substantially extend the shelf life of HRP conjugates stored at 4oC or at room temperature.



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