

产品价格: 面议

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2020-10-30 02:00:01


货号: SD-008/SN-009
供应商: InventBiotech
英文名: Minute TM Total Protein Extraction Kit for Plant Tissues
保存条件: 室温
Invent Biotechnologies M i n u t eTM total protein extraction kit for plant tissues is composed of optimized protein extraction buffer and protein extraction filter cartridges with 2.0 ml collection tubes. The kit is designed to rapidly extract denatured or native proteins from plant tissues (leaves, seeds, soft stem and roots etc.). Since protein profiles extracted by denaturing and native cell lysis buffer are not identical, for a given application one buffer might be superior to the other. This kit provides both denaturing and native cell lysis buffers for users to test and select the best one for a specific application. Due to the use of the protein extraction filter cartridges, total plant soluble proteins can be extracted from 20-200 mg plant tissue in 5-8 min with high protein yield (2-8 mg/ml)
MinuteTM total protein extraction kit for plant tissues is designed to rapidly extract total proteins from fresh or frozen plant tissues for applications such as SDS-PAGE, immunoblottings, ELISA, IP, enzyme assays and other applications. This kit provides a very rapid method for preparation of soluble protein extract from plant tissues. Extracted proteins can be use as a good starting material for small scale protein purification in column chromatography.

Buffer Formulation: Proprietary

Kit components 1. 25 ml denaturing lysis buffer (SD-008) 2. 25 ml native lysis buffer (SN-009) 3. 50 protein extraction filter cartridges 4. 50 collection tubes with cap 5. Plastic rod (4)

Storage: Store buffer SD-008 at room temperature. Store buffer SN-009 at 4oC

Important Product Information The MinuteTM total protein extraction kit for plant tissues is designed to extract total protein rapidly. The use of protease inhibitors is not necessary prior to extraction. However if downstream application takes significant amounts of time or the protein extract will be stored for longer period of time, addition of protease inhibitors to cell lysis buffer is recommended. For determination of protein concentration, BCA kit (Pierce) is recommended. To study protein phosphorylation, phosphatase inhibitors (such as PhosStop from Roche) should be added to buffer A prior to use.


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