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  • Description:Contains all enzymes, oligos and reagents necessary for real-time fluorescent target DNA amplification for detection of Campylobacter species including jejuni and coli (which account for the majority of infections) in less than 10 minutes. Campylobacteriosis caused by Campylobacter species, is the major cause of bacterial food poisoning in the developed world.  User must perform sample preparation. Product code: TAEXOCAMP02Kit Features fluorescent detection within 10 minutes sensitive assay PCR-like performance 96 TwistAmp® exo reactions one tube of Campylobacter primers and fluorescent (FAM labelled) TwistAmp® exo probe improved formulation ...
  • 封口膜是一种复合材料,具有密封性能,防伪效果,防止产品内容物挥发、污染,无气味析出。美国Parafilm封口膜(货号:PM-996)产品的应用范围:1、 ParafilmM封口膜是一种自动封口、可模压、韧性好的特制薄膜产品,广泛用于从常规实验室到园艺芽接带等多种领域,包括常规电子显微实验室。因为它能够紧紧地锁住水分,可对培养基试管、细口瓶、培养瓶及培养皿中的物质提供完美保护。Parafilm M封口膜薄膜独特的柔韧性甚至可用于不规则及褶皱表面。即使当细口瓶不小心摔落时也不会导致渗溢,方便清洁工作。2、 ParafilmM封口膜具有独特的渗透性能,卓越的水汽通透性能和很强的抗腐蚀性能。所有ParafilmM封口膜产品的厚度均为0.005" (127μm),能轻松打成“死结”是ParafilmM封口膜的另一全新特点。ParafilmM封口膜的长度甚至可以拉伸3-4倍而不会发生断裂。3、 Parafilm M封口膜为无色、无味、半透明、自动封口热塑薄膜,能轻松覆盖于各种实验室器皿口处。这种薄膜不仅能保持住试管、细颈瓶及皮氏培养皿内物质的水份,而且可以很好地通透氧气和二氧化碳,因此是实验室必备的理想薄膜产品。在电子显微镜应用中,可用来拾取液体表面的浮置栅极和膜层。4、 Parafilm M封口膜在引流过程中可用作高级绷带防护罩,而且在医学实验室及医疗器械存储中有广泛的适用空间。可用作托盘及药品架衬垫以防药瓶、容器及仪器滑落,效果非常理想。Parafilm M封口膜可用射线或过氧化氢进行消毒。美国parafilm 封口膜产品特点:非常适合烧杯,锥形瓶,称量瓶或者刻度量筒的封口,并可附在不规则的外形或者表面可以快速有效密封试验器皿,防水防湿能有效阻止样品挥发和污染能有效保护无水物质可以重复折叠使用,缠绕在尖锐外形物体上也不会被撕裂随温度升高,柔韧性和柔软度相应提升具有良好韧性,21度时也可拉伸接近两倍长度不耐高温,68度时会软化具有粘性...
  • 描述The Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit, when used with the Qubit Fluorometer, provides an accurate and selective method for the quantitation of low-abundance RNA samples. The assay is highly selective for RNA and will not quantitate DNA, protein, or free nucleotides. Common contaminants, such as salts, free nucleotides, solvents, detergents, or protein, are well-tolerated in the assay. The assay kit is designed to be accurate for RNA sample concentrations between 250 pg/µL and 100 ng/µL. The kit provides concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and pre-diluted RNA standards. Simply dilute the reagent using the buffer provided, add your sample (any volume between 1 µL and 20 µL is acceptable), and read the concentration using the Qubit Fluorometer.Which product to choose for RNA HS (High Sensitivity) quantitation?• For 1–20 samples: use this Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit with the Qubit Fluorometer• For 20–2000 samples: use the Quant-iT RNA HS Assay Kit with microplate readerNotes:1. All Qubit assay kits can be used with the Qubit 1.0, Qubit 2.0, Qubit 3, and Qubit 4 fluorometers.2. 500 µL thin-walled PCR tubes are required but not included.For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures....
  • 描述The Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit, when used with the Qubit Fluorometer, provides an accurate and selective method for the quantitation of low-abundance RNA samples. The assay is highly selective for RNA and will not quantitate DNA, protein, or free nucleotides. Common contaminants, such as salts, free nucleotides, solvents, detergents, or protein, are well-tolerated in the assay. The assay kit is designed to be accurate for RNA sample concentrations between 250 pg/µL and 100 ng/µL. The kit provides concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and pre-diluted RNA standards. Simply dilute the reagent using the buffer provided, add your sample (any volume between 1 µL and 20 µL is acceptable), and read the concentration using the Qubit Fluorometer.Which product to choose for RNA HS (High Sensitivity) quantitation?• For 1–20 samples: use this Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit with the Qubit Fluorometer• For 20–2000 samples: use the Quant-iT RNA HS Assay Kit with microplate readerNotes:1. All Qubit assay kits can be used with the Qubit 1.0, Qubit 2.0, Qubit 3, and Qubit 4 fluorometers.2. 500 µL thin-walled PCR tubes are required but not included.For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures....
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