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2021-05-28 01:30:05



美国Optofluidic品牌nanotweezer微流控纳米拉曼光镊(NanoTweezer Raman)

—光谱分析进行个别纳米粒子识别和化学分析(Individual Nanoparticle Identification and Chemical Analysis with Spectroscopy)进行使用NanoTweezer拉曼光镊化学分析纳米颗粒液体样品.








该NanoTweezer拉曼光镊使研究人员能够以前所未有的清晰,信号强度和精度来捕获、可视化和获取个别纳米粒子拉曼光谱信息.这种创新利用近场光散射法允许NanoTweezer拉曼光谱通过拉曼光谱获取单个纳米粒子的分子指纹。处于消逝场的形式增强信号和最小化背景噪声,提供了远远优于比传统的照明系统的结果。拉曼信号通常非常弱,难以获得。拉曼信号通常非常弱,难以获得。传统系统使用的传统激光照射集中在一个块状片材料,粉末或溶液使得难以从背景中分离感兴趣的材料并准确地表征它。到现在为止的拉曼系统只能被用于分析大量单粒子(几微米),并在干燥的环境中。该NanoTweezer拉曼光谱消除这些障碍,使溶液中的单个纳米化学识别成为现实。Perform chemical analysis on a liquid sample of nanoparticles with the NanoTweezer Raman.纳米粒子个体(或小团体)都在使用我们的专利波导的方法暴露于激光,并获得他们的拉曼光谱。这允许两种类别分析:1)未知微粒识别,例如,是否有问题的每个粒子是聚***乙烯,玻璃,二氧化钛,等等。2)一种方法来***用那些经过化学改性的药物颗粒之间的差异,例如,装载的纳米颗粒,观察降低而引起退化,化学修饰过程的质量控制。特性列表 1.对于包括质量控制,环境分析(纳米粒子宿命),药物递送,纳米毒性药品和食品制剂研发的重点领域革命性变革(Revolutionary for key areas of R&D including quality control, environmental analysis (nanoparticle fate), drug delivery, nanotoxicity and drug and food formulations).2.在其天然溶液环境中亚微米颗粒识别(Identification of sub-micron particles in their native solution environment).3.使用小体积(<200μL)微流体流动池直截了当地处理样品 4.用户不必手动搜索粒子5.近场光散射技术产生增强信号和最小背景噪音NanoTweezer使用近场拉曼光谱 不像其他的拉曼光谱显微镜,它只能提供关于微粒或较大的信息,该NanoTweezer可以捕集,可视化,获得真正纳米颗粒拉曼光谱光谱。而不是外部激光聚焦到底物上,它采用近场光泄漏出波导光学地激发和捕集在其天然环境中的颗粒。该强光渐逝场的形式导致升高的信号,并比传统的照明系统背景更少。此外,由于粒子在分析期间被暂时捕获,一个任意长曝光时间可以获取。背景 Raman Spectroscopy? Raman Spectroscopy is a powerful analytical?? technique that uses a laser to obtain a chemical?? signature from a material. The interrogating light (a?? single wavelength) interacts with the chemical bonds in?? the material causing an energy shift depending on the?? type of bond. These shifts show up as peaks in a?? Raman spectrum. The spectrum is unique to a?? material (glass, polystyrene, titanium dioxide, etc.) and?? can be considered a fingerprintRaman LimitationsWhile Raman Spectroscopy can allow researchers to extract molecular fingerprints, Raman signals are typically very weak and difficult to obtain. Traditionally, a laser is focused on a bulk piece of material, powder, or solution making it harder to separate the material of interest from the background and characterize it accurately. Until now Raman systems could only be used to look at particles if they are stationary (not in solution) and visible (greater than a few microns). Near Field Raman Using the NanoTweezerUnlike other Raman microscopes, which can only provide information about microparticles or larger, the NanoTweezer can trap, visualize, and obtain Raman spectra from true nanoparticles. Rather than an external laser focused onto a substrate, it uses near field light leaking out of a waveguide to optically excite and trap the particles in their native environments. This is the key breakthrough that enables the performance increase. The intense light in the form of an evanescent field leads to heightened signal and less background than traditional illumination systems. Additionally, because the particles are temporarily trapped during the analysis, an arbitrarily long exposure time can be acquired.


NanoTweezer with 785 nm laserMicroscope with NIR objectivesMicroscope cameraRaman SpectrometerRaman Software

The Benefits of Near-field Light Scattering

New Insights into Particle Analysis

Nanoparticle behavior and function is inextricably linked to the properties of its surface. Yet until today, no technique has allowed researchers to adequately characterize the properties of the surfaces of their nanoparticles in a detailed, simple and high throughput way.  Near-field Light Scattering (NLS) enables all three of those by quickly mapping the energy and force landscapes of particle-surface and particle-particle interactions. Instead of just generating an overtly simplistic number (like zeta potential or debye length) NLS enables heightened information of these interactions which is key for ensuring proper function and designing stable formulations. A quick example to bring this home: properly coated particles allow strong repulsive forces, culminating in more stability and less aggregation. NLS is useful for key areas of R&D including drug delivery. In this field, particles need to be designed to be stable as well as perform a key specific function (like bind, block, regulate, etc.) Such design is done at the single particle level, and particles are expected to act on an individual basis rather than an aggregated basis, since aggregated particles either become ineffective or dangerous. One key benefit of NLS is that it allows researchers to analyze and distinguish between different aggregation states for the same particle population.

Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods:

With a myriad of other particle analysis tools available, why use NLS?Some key advantages include: 1. Universal application

NLS can be utilized to study a variety of particles and surface phenomena, including charge interactions, uncharged polar, as well as steric interactions. Unlike techniques like Zeta Potential which require a charged surface, NLS works for all types of particle surfaces. 2. Empowering Breakthroughs through Further Insights

Unlike Zeta potential measurements, which while useful ultimately result in simplistic “collapsed” measurement, NLS measurements reveal magnitude and characteristics of surface interactions at the single particle level through its detailed force and energy maps. Also, existing particle analysis instruments like dynamic light scattering or particle tracking algorithms are useful for predicting accurate particle size, but fail to provide further surface insights. At the same time, existing chemical characterization technologies like UV- VIS and Raman are limited to bulk surfaces or to very large particles in dry environments. NLS works quickly and accurately with nanoparticles in their native suspended states.

How it works? Well... you see it work!

NLS is the latest form of light scattering, exploiting light localized on a small optical fiber (called a waveguide) to optically excite particles far more efficiently than traditional illumination systems. Briefly, the photons in the evanescent field capture and interact with the selected nanoparticles."The evanescent field can interact with particles much more efficiently than traditional far field systems...we are just starting to see the advantages in near-field light scattering, with nanoparticle surface measurements being a key example," explains Cornell Professor David Erickson.The particles that interact with the waveguide scatter light so efficiently that one can see them as they approach and propagate along the waveguide due to the unique interactions it allows. Using the  evanescent field with the latest in nanophotonic design, Optofluidics has made it possible to outperform both manipulation and optical excitation techniques, bringing about the most revolutionary particle surface analysis technique in the market..美国OptoFluidics显微镜纳米激光镊转换装置 

亮点及典型应用:*5分钟将显微镜升级为纳米级激光光镊 三大功能  系统技术参数:1、系统联机能力: 能与科研级正置/倒置显微镜联用 能与激光显微拉曼光谱仪联用 2、捕获与操纵能力: 新型纳米光镊系统NanoTweezer,采用世界先进的谐振器波导系统,通过微芯片发出的激光捕获与操纵纳米至微米级的粒子。可以实现多种应用,如操作远远小于传统的光学镊子的样品,并保持粒子结构不被破坏;实行新类型的实验和分析. 2.1 粒子捕获操纵尺寸范围:50nm-5微米 2.2 操作对象涵盖了单个细胞、单个分子、病毒、核酸、纳米颗粒、碳纳米管和蛋白质 3、激光器: 3.1激光波长(Wavelength) :1065 nm3.2激光功率(Optical Power) :0—500 mW连续可调 3.3光纤接口:FC / APC SMPM3.4光电隔离(Optical Isolation) :33-38 dB4、显微镜流动池 4.1最大压力:20psi (1psi=6.895kPa)4.2流动速度:80nl/min (min)–1000ml/hr (max)5、与显微拉曼光谱仪联用附件 5.1 光镊与拉曼光谱仪联链接适配器 5.2? OD6带阻滤光片(1064nm) 6、仪器尺寸:8“(宽)X14”(长)x9“(高)



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